4.2) Linearity:

4.2.1) Definition : The linearity is ability of an analytical procedure to elicit response linearity

related to the amount or concentration within the specified range.

4.2.2) Assessment: By plotting a graph using concentrations on X-axis and the respective peak areas on Y-axis. Correlation co-efficient r 2 is calculated.

4.2.3) Acceptance Criterion: co-efficient r 2 should be > 0.98.

4.2.4) Experiment:

a) Standard Preparation: 6.60 mg of Withanoside IV, 6.0 mg of Withanoside V, 7.38 mg of Withaferin A, 7.11 mg of 12-Deoxy withastramonolide, 6.91 mg of Withanolide A and 6.75 mg of Withanolide B were dissolved in 10ml methanol by gently heating, cooled and made

up to 50ml with methanol. Stock solution.

The concentration of each analyte in 5 ml is;

Withanoside IV = 7.34 x 90= 6.606 mg 100

Withanoside V = 6.67 x 90 = 6.003 mg 100

Withaferin A = 7.45x 99 = 7.3755 mg 100

12-Deoxy withastramonolide = 7.48x 95 = 7.106 mg 100

Withanolide A=6.98x 99 = 6.9102 mg 100

Withanolide B= 6.82x 99 = 6.7518 mg 100

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