SPIFAN Nutrients ERP Book_9-29-15
Carn-06 - Validation Report FOR ERP USE ONLY DO NOT DISTRIBUTE
taining both carnitine. The sample is weighed into the extraction bottle, extraction solvents are added, the bottle is closed and placed on the shaking table at 37°C. At the time t. the sample is removed from the shaking table, centrifuged and placed on cold stor- age until saponification. t / hour 1 2 3 4 5 22 Carnitine:
Ekstraktion 37°C
100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Carnitine (mg/kg)
Pet food
Milk powder
0 50
Time (hour)
From the data (see appendix 4) it is seen that an extraction time of 20 hours is sufficient to extract all the carnitine from the sample. Saponification time: The robustness test has been performed on raw egg, pet food, milk powder (in- fant formula), cornflakes and fish feed containing both carnitine. An aliquot of the extraction solution is transferred to the saponification bottle, po- tassium hydroxide and water is added and the mixture is saponifyed at a 100°C. At the time t. the sample is removed from the oven and neutralized with hydro- chloric acid. 30 60 90 120 150 180 240 300 360 From the data (see appendix 4) it is seen that a saponification time of 240 min is sufficient to convert all bound carnitine to the free forms for all the tested ma- trixes. Carnitine: t / min 0 (free)
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