SPIFAN Nutrients ERP Book_9-29-15
Animated publication
AOAC INTERNATIONAL Stakeholder Panel on Infant Formula and Adult Nutritionals (SPIFAN)
Meeting at: Westin Bonaventure Hotel 404 South Figueroa Street Los Angeles, California 90071 - USA
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
AOAC INTERNATIONAL 2275 Research Blvd., Suite 300 Rockville, MD, 20850
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HPLC Determination of Total Tryptophan in Infant Formula and Adult/Pediatric Nutritional Formula Following Enzymatic Hydrolysis
Abbott Nutrition, Division of Abbott Laboratories
Applicable to the determination of total tryptophan in infant formula and adult/pediatric nutritional formulas. Add sample amount targeting 30 – 50 mg of protein added to the sample preparation. The limit of quantitation of a typical ready to feed formula is about 0.02 mg/100g.
Tryptophan is released (hydrolyzed) from intact using a combination of proteolytic enzymes found in pronase, isolated from Streptomyces griseus, for this purpose. The pronase enzyme powder contains at least 10 proteolytic enzymes (depending on the source, supplier etc.), which hydrolyze peptide bonds internally (endoproteases) and externally (exopeptidases), either at the N-terminal end (amino peptidases) or at the carboxy terminus (carboxypeptidases). The protein is thus "attacked" on different sites simultaneously releasing tryptophan in a relatively short period of time. Following proteolysis, free tryptophan is quantitated by reverse phase (isocratic) HPLC and fluorescence detection, which provide for a selective and specific for the determination of tryptophan in nutritional products. The enzymes in pronase self-digest to produce background tryptophan in the absence of sample. Consequently, the enzyme system is non-specific for the sample tryptophan, and a blank subtraction is mandatory. Using this approach, recoveries of free tryptophan spikes as well as tryptophan from BSA spikes are found essentially quantitative, indicating near comparable self-digestion rates with and without sample. Sample preparation consists of adding a weighed sample, the enzyme solution, internal standard (5-methyl-DL-tryptophan) and Trizma buffer into a tube. A small amount of methanol is added as a bactericidal agent. The preparation is mixed and incubated at 50°C for sixteen hours (overnight), to assure complete hydrolysis of all sample types. (While many samples are fully hydrolyzed within 6 hours, some have been found to require longer, thus 16 hours for full applicability). After hydrolysis, the sample-enzyme mixture is diluted to 50 mL with methanol/water and filtered. The sample is injected onto a C-8 column with reference standards and enzyme blank preparations and the analytes of interest detected and quantified fluorometrically.
1. Equipment
a) Analytical Column: Betasil C8 50 3 mm column with 3 micron particle size – Part #70203-053030 – or equivalent.
HPLC Determination of Total Tryptophan in Infant Formula and Adult/Pediatric Nutritional Formula Following Enzymatic Hydrolysis
Abbott Nutrition, Division of Abbott Laboratories
b) HPLC system with autosampler, column Oven to maintain 30°C, Fluorescence Detector, binary or quaternary HPLC Pump with degasser, HPLC peak area integrator or chromatography data processor.
c) Constant temperature oven capable of maintaining 50 (+/- 1) degree Centigrade
2. Instrument Parameters and Conditions
a) Mobile Phase Flow Rate : 0.5 mL /minute
b) Column Temperature: 30 degrees Centigrade
c) Injection volume: 10 L.
d) Detector settings: Excitation wavelength to 295 nm and emission wavelength to 345 nm
e) Typical PMT setting: 7 for Agilent G1321A (see F.3.a)
f) Run time: 7.5 minutes, or as needed to fully collect the 5-methyl-DL-tryptophan peak.
1. Standards
L-Tryptophan USP Standard Cat #1700501, or equivalent.
2. Chemicals
a) Methanol, HPLC grade
b) Sodium Phosphate Monobasic, HPLC grade.
c) Phosphoric Acid, (85%)
d) Trizma Base
e) Hydrochloric Acid, 6N.
f) Laboratory Water – minimum of 18 mega ohm conductivity
g) 5-Methyl-DL-tryptophan Sigma Cat # M-0534, or equivalent.
h) Protease E (enzyme) Sigma Cat # P-5147, or equivalent.
a) Hydrochloric Acid, 1.0N Solution.
b) Trizma Buffer, 0.1M, pH 8.5.
HPLC Determination of Total Tryptophan in Infant Formula and Adult/Pediatric Nutritional Formula Following Enzymatic Hydrolysis
Abbott Nutrition, Division of Abbott Laboratories
c) Protease Solution - Weigh 0.200 ± 0.010 grams to 50 mL with Trizma buffer. Expiration: 6 hours.
d) 5-Methyl-DL-tryptophan, Internal Standard Solution - 0.0400 ± 0.0020 grams to 50 mL with water.
e) Tryptophan Standard Solution - (0.0100 ± 0.0010 grams per 100 mL) Store frozen in vials. Expiration: 6 months.
h) Working Standard Solutions:
Combine the appropriate aliquot of tryptophan and internal standard stock solutions in separate 50 mL volumetric flasks for three working levels.
TRP Stock Sol.
Int. Std. Stock
1.0 mL 5.0 mL 10.0 mL
0.5 mL 0.5 mL 0.5 mL
Add 12.5 mL of methanol to each of the three flasks containing the standard/internal standard mixtures, and bring to volume with water. Transfer diluted standards to vials for frozen storage. Expiration: 6 months.
g) Mobile Phase: (20:80, Methanol/0.05 M Phosphate Buffer)
h) Column Rinse Solution: (25% methanol in water)
Sample Preparation
a) Set heating unit to 50°C prior to experiment.
b) Using an analytical balance, tare a 50 mL centrifuge tube.
c) Weigh liquid samples directly into tarred centrifuge tubes using a disposable transfer pipette. For powder samples weigh into a tarred tube with a spatula. Record weights.
d) Add 0.5 mL (500 L) of protease enzyme solution to all samples.
HPLC Determination of Total Tryptophan in Infant Formula and Adult/Pediatric Nutritional Formula Following Enzymatic Hydrolysis
Abbott Nutrition, Division of Abbott Laboratories
e) Prepare no fewer than two "blank" enzyme solutions per run. Blank solutions will contain enzyme, internal standard, and buffer only. Otherwise follow sample preparation. f) Add 0.5 mL of 5-methyl-DL-tryptophan internal standard to all tubes including the enzyme blanks. g) Add 3.0 mL of 0.1M, pH 8.5 Trizma buffer and 200 L methanol to all tubes including enzyme blanks. Cap tubes and vortex lightly (about 2 seconds) to mix contents. Be sure powder samples are completely dissolved but do not over agitate solution to avoid foaming. h) Incubate samples for 16 to 24 hours in heating unit previously set to 50°C. Remove samples from incubation unit after a minimum of 16 hours. Samples may be prepared for overnight incubation if removed within 24 hours. i) Let samples cool to room temperature. Remove caps and add 12 mL of methanol to each tube using a bottle re-pipettor.
j) Dilute each tube to the 50 mL mark with Laboratory Water.
k) Cap tubes and vortex mix thoroughly.
l) Attach an filter to a 3 or 5 cc syringe and transfer several mL of a sample to the syringe. Filter sample into an autosampler vial, and cap. Repeat with fresh syringe and filter for each sample and blank. m) Samples are ready for analysis or may be frozen for future analysis within 72 hours.
1. Tryptophan Concentration in Samples:
TRP (g/100g sample) = (CTS – CTB) x (volume / SW) x (100g/1000mg/g)
Where: CTS = Concentration of Tryptophan in Sample (mg/L) CTB = Concentration of Tryptophan in Blank (mg/L) Volume = Final volume in Liters i.e. 50 mL = 0.05L SW = Sample Weight in grams
HPLC Determination of Total Tryptophan in Infant Formula and Adult/Pediatric Nutritional Formula Following Enzymatic Hydrolysis
Abbott Nutrition, Division of Abbott Laboratories
1. Accuracy: a) Average overspike recoveries of Hypoallergenic Infant formula with BSA and free tryptophan (n=10): 1) NIST BSA: 99.1% 2) Free Tryptophan: 101.3% a) NIST 1849a assay percent of reference value: 100.4% (mean of n=10)
2. Precision:
a) NIST 1849a (n=30 over 6 months): 2.14% b) RSD for ten independent runs of duplicate analyses.
Within run
Total RSD
Soy Formula
0.48% 0.62%
1.64% 1.68%
1.71% 1.79%
Hypoallergenic Formula
3. Second Laboratory Performance with NIST 1849a (n=14) a) RSD 0.99%
b) Mean value: 0.186 g/100g (101.1% of Reference Value)
FIGURE 1 Typical Middle Standard Chromatogram
TRP_SA - 2.395
5MDLT - 6.035
HPLC Determination of Total Tryptophan in Infant Formula and Adult/Pediatric Nutritional Formula Following Enzymatic Hydrolysis
Abbott Nutrition, Division of Abbott Laboratories
FIGURE 2 Typical Blank Chromatogram
5MDLT - 6.026
TRP_SA - 2.392
FIGURE 3 Typical Sample Chromatogram (NIST Standard Reference Material 1849a)
5MDLT - 5.989
TRP_SA - 2.378
HPLC Determination of Total Tryptophan in Infant Formula and Adult/Pediatric Nutritional Formula Following Enzymatic Hydrolysis
Abbott Nutrition, Division of Abbott Laboratories
1. Narahashi, Y.; Yanagita, M. : (1967) J. Biochemistry 6 pp 633-641. 2. Yamaskov, I.A.; Tichonova, T.V.; Davankov, V.A.; (1986) ENZYME MICROB. TECHNOL. 8 pp241-244. L. SPECIFICITY - Selectivity for the analyte of interest is supported by the following: 1. The selectivity of chromatographic separation combined with native fluorescence 2. Near 100% recovery of reference material
Note: A modification recommended by the submitting laboratory is that an additional standard dilution that is below the typical blank peak response.
Determination of Carnitine in Infant Formula, Adult/Pediatric Nutritional Formula, food and feed ESI LC-MS/MS (applicable to the determination of free and total carnitine in Food/feed, infant formula, adult nutritionals and nutritional supplement.) A. Principle Carnitine and esters of this are extracted by methanol and water. Free carnitine is determined on the extract. Total carnitine is measured after alkaline hydrolysis at elevated temperature of the extract, thereby converting the bound forms in to free carnitine. The resulting free Carnitine is quantified by isotope dilution LC-MSMS. B. Apparatus ( a ) Column. - Synergi 2,5μ polar-RP 100 x 3.00 mm (Phenomenex), or equivalent. ( b ) Liquid chromatograph. - Thermo Dionex Ultimate 3000 RS 600bar HPLC system, or equivalent. ( c ) Detector. - AB Sciex Q-Trap 3200 mass spectrometer, or equivalent. ( d ) Data system. – Analyst 1.5.1 and Dionex Chromatography MS link ( e ) Balance.—Readable to at least 0.0001 g (Satorius, or equivalent). ( f ) Balance.—Readable to at least 0.001 g (Kern, or equivalent). ( g ) Incubator. – Capable of 37 ± 5°C ( h ) Centrifuge. ( i ) Shaking table. (Inside Incubator) ( j ) Oven. - Capable of 102 ± 2°C ( k ) Centrifuge tubes.—plastic , 50 mL with screw cap. ( l ) Extraction vessels. – conical flasks, 250 ml with stoppers. ( m ) Digestion vessels. Conical flasks, 500 ml with stoppers. ( n ) Volumetric flasks. 50, 100 and 500 ml and 1 L C. Reagents ( a ) Purified Water, USP; ≥18 Mohm/cm. ( b ) Methanol. – HPLC-grade (for sample preparation) ( c ) Methanol. – LC-MS grade (for LC-MS/MS mobile phases preparation) ( d ) Ammonium formate. LC-MS grade, crystalline, ≥99.0% ( e ) Formic acid. LC-MS grade, ≥99.9% ( f ) Potasium hydroxide. – p.a., crystaline, ≥85% ( g ) Hydrochloric acid. –p.a., 37% D. Standards ( a ) L-Carnitine reference standard.—U.S. Pharmacopeia (Rockville, MD; Cat. No. 1359903). ( b ) L-Carnitine-d3 HCl (methyl-d3).—C/D/N Isotopes (Quebec, Canada; Cat. No. D-5069). ( o ) Syringe filters.— 0.45 μm. ( p ) Pipets.—5000 μL adjustable ( q ) Pipet tips.
( 1 ) Mobile phase A. – Measure 200 mL ammonium formate buffer into a 1 L volumetric flask and dilute to the mark with water. ( 2 ) Mobile phase B. – Methanol LC-MS grade ( c ) Potassium hydroxide solution. – 2 M Dissolve 56.1 g reagent grade KOH pellets in water in a 500 mL volumetric fl ask, and dilute to volume with water. Storage: plastic bottle, room temperature. Expiration: 1 year. ( d ) Hydrochloric acid.- 1.6 M. Measure 67.5 mL concentrated HCl into 500 mL volumetric flask and dilute to the mark with water. Standardization is not required. Expiration: 1 year. ( e ) L-Carnitine inner salt solution (approximately 4 mg/g). – Accurately weigh 400 mg L-carnitine reference standard as quickly as possible (because of hygroscopicity), and transfer to a 100 mL flask. Dissolve L-carnitine in water, and dilute to volume with water and accurately weigh the solution. The (approximately 400 µg/g). — Accurately weigh 10 g L- Carnitine inner salt solution into a 100 mL flask. Dilute to volume with water and accurately weigh the solution. ( g ) L-Carnitine Stock solution, (approximately 12 µg/g). — Accurately weigh 15 g L-Carnitine inner salt intermediate solution into a 500 mL flask. Dilute to volume with water and accurately weigh the solution. Dispense the solution into plastic centrifuge tubes, each receiving ≥10 mL. Storage: freezer, –20°C. Expiration: 1 year. ( h ) L-Carnitine-d 3 Stock solution, (approximately 80 µg/g). – Accurately weigh 50 mg L-carnitine-d 3 HCl (methyl-d 3 ) as quickly as possible, and transfer to a 500 mL flask. Dissolve L-carnitine-d 3 HCl (methyl-d 3 ) in water, and dilute to volume with water and accurately weigh the solution. Dispense the solution into plastic centrifuge tubes, each receiving ≥15 mL. Storage: freezer, –20°C. Expiration: 1 year. ( i ) ISTD standard solution (approximately 2.3 µg/g L- carnitine-d 3 ). – Accurately weigh 14 g L-Carnitine Stock solution into a 200 mL flask. Add 4 mL of 1.6 M Hydrochloric acid and 3 ml of 2 M Potassium hydroxide solution. Dilute to volume with water and accurately weigh the solution. This amount of internal standard is sufficient to 6 standards and 18 samples. ( j ) Standard solution (approximately 1.2 µg/g of L-carnitine and choline). – Accurately weigh 10 g L-Carnitine Stock solution and 10 g Choline Stock solution into a 100 mL flask. Dilute to volume with water and accurately weigh the solution. ( k ) Working standards. — Prepare fresh on day of analysis. ( 1 ) Level 1 calibration standard. - Accurately weigh 1 g standard solution and 4 g ISTD standard solution into a 100 mL flask. Dilute to volume with water and accurately weigh the solution. Cap and mix well. Transfer to an autosampler vial and cap. ( 2 ) Level 2 calibration standard. - Accurately weigh 3 g standard solution and 2 g ISTD standard solution into a 50 mL flask. Dilute to volume with water and accurately weigh the solution. Cap and mix well. Transfer to an autosampler vial and cap. ( 3 ) Level 3 calibration standard. - Accurately weigh 10 g standard solution and 2 g ISTD standard solution into a 50 mL flask. Dilute to volume with water and accurately weigh the solution. Cap and mix well. Transfer to an autosampler vial and cap. ( 4 ) Level 4 calibration standard. - Accurately weigh 20 g concentration is calculated on mass to mass basis. ( f ) L-Carnitine inner salt intermediate solution,
E. Solutions Preparation ( a ) Ammonium formate buffer. – 100mM, pH 3.0
Quantitatively transfer 1.12 ±0.01 g ammonium formate into a 1 L beaker add 800 ml water, dissolve, adjust pH to 3,0 with concentrated formic acid, transfer to volumetric flask and fill to volume with water. ( b ) Mobile phase. –
standard solution and 2 g ISTD standard solution into a 50 mL flask. Dilute to volume with water and accurately weigh the solution. Cap and mix well. Transfer to an autosampler vial and cap. ( 5 ) Level 5 calibration standard. - Accurately weigh 26 g standard solution and 2 g ISTD standard solution into a 50 mL flask. Dilute to volume with water and accurately weigh the solution. Cap and mix well. Transfer to an autosampler vial and cap. ( 6 ) Level 6 calibration standard. - Accurately weigh 40 g standard solution and 2 g ISTD standard solution into a 50 mL flask. Dilute to volume with water and accurately weight the solution. Cap and mix well. Transfer to an autosampler vial and cap. ( 1 ) For dry blended/nonhomogeneous powder samples, transfer 25 g, accurately weighed to a 250 mL volumetric flask. Dissolve using warm distilled water ~40°C, cool, and make up to 250 g accurately weighed with distilled water. Transfer 10 - 15 g accurately weighed of reconstituted sample to the extraction vessels. ( 2 ) For wet blended homogeneous powder samples, transfer 2 - 3 g, accurately weighed directly to the extraction vessels. ( 3 ) For ready-to-feed samples or concentrated liquid products, transfer 5 to 10 g, accurately weighed of thoroughly agitated sample directly to the extraction vessel. ( 4 ) For dry food or animal feed samples, transfer 5 - 10 g, accurately weighed of sample directly to the extraction vessel. ( 5 ) For wet food or animal feed samples, transfer 10 - 15 g, accurately weighed of sample directly to the extraction vessel. ( 6 ) For nutritional supplements, transfer 1 – 1.5 g, accurately weighed of sample directly to the extraction vessel. ( c ) Ekstraction. – ( 1 ) For liquid samples no added water is necessary. For wet samples add 5 mL of water. For dry samples add 10 ml of water. ( 2 ) Add 100 ml of Methanol (HPLC-grade), and cap. ( 3 ) Mix by shaking until well dispersed. Place flask on shaking table at 37°C for 12 h. adjust shaking to obtain good mixing. ( 4 ) Cool to ambient temperature. ( 5 ) Accurately weigh the extraction vessel. ( 6 ) Transfer part of the extraction liquid to a 50 mL centrifuge tube, and cap. ( 7 ) Centrifuge the extraction liquid to obtain a clear liquid, ( 1 ) For high concentration samples a dilution step with water should be performed before addition of the internal standard. ( 2 ) Accurately weigh the digestion vessels. ( 3 ) Transfer 1 – 5 g accurately weighed, of the clear extraction liquid to the digestion vessels. ( 4 ) Add 10 g accurately weighed ISTD standard solution to the digestion vessels. ( 5 ) Dilute to 250 mL volume with water and accurately weight the solution. Cap and mix well. Transfer to an auto- sampler vial and cap. ( e ) Determination of Total carnitine and – ( 1 ) For high concentration samples a dilution step with water should be performed before addition of the internal standard.. (approximately 200 rpm for 10 min). ( d ) Determination of free carnitine - F. Sample preparation and Extraction ( a ) Sample weighing. – ( b ) Accurately weighed the extraction vessels.
( 2 ) Accurately weigh the digestion vessels. ( 3 ) Transfer 1 – 5 g accurately weighed, of the clear extraction liquid to the digestion vessels. ( 4 ) Add 10 g accurately weighed ISTD standard solution to the digestion vessels. ( 5 ) Add 3 mL of 2M Potassium hydroxide solution, and 47 mL of water, close with stopper. ( 6 ) Hydrolyse in oven at 102°C for 4 h. ( 7 ) Cool to ambient temperature. ( 8 ) Add 4 mL 1.6M Hydrochloric acid ( 9 ) Dilute to 250 mL volume with water and accurately weight the solution. Cap and mix well. Transfer to an autosampler vial and cap. G. Instrument operation conditions ( a ) LC. – Isocratic run 0-2 min. 98% A; 2% B. Flow 0,5 mL/min; injection volume, 2 μL; column temperature, 25°C; autosampler temperature, ambient. ( b ) MS/MS.—Ionization mode, positive-ion electrospray ionization (ESI+);Curtain gas, 30 psi;Collision gas, Med; Ionspray voltage , 5.5 kV; source temperature, 700°C; Ion Source Gas 1, 65 psi;Ion source gas 2, 65 psi. ( c ) Parameters for MS/MS measurement see table 1.
Table 1. Analyte
Q1 a
Q3 b
DP c
EP d CE e 5.0 19.0 5.0 25.0 5.0 19.0 5.0 25.0
L-carnitine L-carnitine
162.2 103.1 36.0
4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0
85.1 36.0
L-Carnitine-d 3 L-Carnitine-d 3
165.2 103.1 36.0
85.1 36.0
a Q1 = Quadrupole mass filter 1. b Q3 = Quadrupole mass filter 3. c DP = Declustering potential. d EP = Entrance potential. e CE = Collision energy. f CXP = Collision cell exit potential.
( d ) Data acquisition was done in the multiple-reaction monitoring (MRM) mode. ( e ) Quantitation of L-carnitine.—The MRM chromatogram for L-carnitine is a sum of signals for the transitions m/z 162 > 103 and 162 > 85. Likewise, the MRM chromatogram for the ISTD is a sum of signals for the transitions m/z 165 > 103 and 165 > 85. Analyst automatically calculates a response ratio, which is defined as the L-carnitine peak area divided by the ISTD peak area. ( f ) UPLC analysis.—After verifying equilibration of the UPLC system, inject the working standards (L1 to L6) followed by a reagent blank, control sample, and sample extracts. ( g ) Inject working standards after approximately every 20 sample extraction, injected after the analysis of the last sample extract. Notes: Calibration curves must have a correlation coefficient r 2 of >0.990.
H. Calculation of results ( a ) Manual calculations.—
( 1 ) Plot each calibration standard response ratio versus its corresponding concentration to obtain calibration curves for L-carnitine. Apply a nonweighted linear regression to the data, and obtain an equation for the best-fit line.
Where y is the response ratio and x is the concentration (ng/g). ( 2 ) Calculate the concentration in a final sample dilution, by interpolating from the standard curve: Interpolated concn., (ng/g) = (sample response ratio – b)/m ( 3 ) Calculate the concentration in a sample, based on the interpolated concentration:
Where: W sample
: mass of weighed sample (g).
F : dillution factor.
Carn-06 - Validation Report FOR ERP USE ONLY DO NOT DISTRIBUTE
Eurofins Steins A/S Validation Report: Carnitine quantitated by liquid chromatography and isotope dilu- tion mass spectroscopy.
Lars T. Tanderup Chemist M.Sc.
Eurofins Steins Laboratory A/S Vitamin Competence Centre 6600 Vejen, Denmark 2013-06-28
Carn-06 - Validation Report FOR ERP USE ONLY DO NOT DISTRIBUTE
Table of Contents:
Abbreviations and synonyms: .....................................................................................................................................1 Quality statement:........................................................................................................................................................1 Introduction:.................................................................................................................................................................1 Brief method description:.............................................................................................................................................2 Statistics: .....................................................................................................................................................................2 Matrices: ......................................................................................................................................................................2 Specificity: ...................................................................................................................................................................2 Linearity: ......................................................................................................................................................................3 Precision:.....................................................................................................................................................................3 Trueness:.....................................................................................................................................................................4 Measuring range:.........................................................................................................................................................6 Limit of detection / quantification: ................................................................................................................................6 Robustness:.................................................................................................................................................................6 Summary and conclusions: .........................................................................................................................................9 Appendix 1: Linearity .................................................................................................................................................10 Appendix 2: Precision................................................................................................................................................12 Appendix 3: Limit of detection / quantification ...........................................................................................................13 Appendix 4: Robustness. ..........................................................................................................................................14
Carn-06 - Validation Report FOR ERP USE ONLY DO NOT DISTRIBUTE
Abbreviations and synonyms:
Abbreviations: NMKL.................Nordisk Metodikk Komité for Næringsmidler ISO ....................International Organization for Standardization SOP...................Standard Operating Procedure ANAVA ..............Analysis of Variance LOD ...................Limit of Detection LOQ...................Limit of Quantitation n ........................Number of replicates LC......................Liquid Chromatography MS .....................Mass spectroscopy R 2 .......................Squared regression coefficient RSD%................Relative Standard Deviation in Percent CI .......................Confidence intervals S r .......................Repeatability (standard deviation within days) S R ......................Reproducibility (standard deviation between days) SRM ..................Certified reference material NIST ..................National Institute of Standards and Technology Synonyms: t-test .................. Student’s t -test This validation report is conducted in accordance to our internal instruction 211.01 “Validering af analysemetoder i Vitamincenter (in English - Validation of analytical methods in the Vitamin Centre” This instruction defines the experimental design used in the current validation, which is based on NMKL Procedure No. 4: Validation of chemical analytical methods (2009, 3 rd edition). The Eurofins Steins Laboratory in Vejen is accredited according to ISO 17025. Quality statement:
This method was developed in the vitamin centre. The extraction is based on an old internal Eurofins method for determination of choline.
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Carn-06 - Validation Report FOR ERP USE ONLY DO NOT DISTRIBUTE
Eurofins Lab. LTD., Wolverhampton: SOP CHROM/341-Choline in pet foods by ion chromatography with conductivity detection.
The quantification by LC-MS/MS is based on the analytical concepts of the follow- ing two articles.
STARKEY et AL. J.AOAC INT. 91,1,2008,130-142.Single-Laboratory Validation of a Liquid chromatographic/Tandem Mass Spectrometric Method for the Deter- mination of Free and Total Carnitine in Infant Formula and Raw Ingredients.
Brief method description:
The sample is shaken in a mixture of water and methanol thereby extracting car- nitine including their phosphorylated forms. An aliquot is treated with potassium hydroxide solution at elevated temperature for 4 hours thereby converting the phosphorylated forms to free carnitine. The mixture is neutralised and deuterered internal standard is added. Quantification is done by LC-MS.
In the current validation report, a p-value < 0.05 is considered statistically signifi- cant. Consequently, confidence intervals (CI) are calculated at a confidence level at 95 %. Paired t-testing is performed on normal distributed raw data. Data which is not within the normal distribution is clearly marked within the text.
This method can be used for quantification of free and/or total carnitine in the fol- lowing matrices:
Food and feed. Supplements, premixes and raw products. Milk powder and nutritional formulas. Animal feed / pet food (dry and wet).
The specificity has been evaluated by examining chromatograms of natural sam-
Carn-06 - Validation Report FOR ERP USE ONLY DO NOT DISTRIBUTE
ples of the above mentioned sample types. No interferences have been ob- served.
The Linearity has been evaluated twice for both compounds with a 9 points cali- bration. For the data and the result of the regression analysis performed in excel, see ap-
pendix 1. Carnitine:
There is seen a very significant correlation between concentration ratio and area ratio. R 2 =0,9998. The slope of the line is 0,9596 and the intercept with the y-axis is 0,0046. The calculated 95% confidence interval for the intercept includes 0. The calibration curve therefore goes through 0. For residuals plotted against the concentration ratio, it is seen that the points are randomly distributed around the x-axis (concentration ratio), indicating that the calibration curve for the concentrations included are linear. For the evaluation of the precision two types of samples have been used: A milk powder (nutritional formula). A pet food. (dry pet food) The repeatability (S r ) and reproducibility (S R ) have been evaluated with a variance analysis model. The data consists of 16 days of double replicate measurements. The dataset has been evaluated with ANAVA single factor (Excel 2010), see ap- pendix 2. Milk powder (mg/kg) Pet food (mg/kg) Carnitine Carnitine Reproducibility (S R ) 3,1% 3,3% Repeatability (S r ) 2,6% 1,9% F 1,865 5,188 F crit 2,352 2,352 For carnitine in the pet food it is seen that there is a significant difference in the measured results between days. Considering that a new calibration curve is Precision:
Carn-06 - Validation Report FOR ERP USE ONLY DO NOT DISTRIBUTE
made for every batch and that relative difference (daily average vs. overall aver- age) is low this is seen as being acceptable. For Carnitine the RSD% will be set to 5% for carnitine.
The methods trueness has been evaluated by analysing reference material. Reference materials: Reference materials with values on carnitine exist or are at the moment under testing for certification. We have analysed the certified reference material SRM 1849A (Infant/adult nutri- tional formula), SRM 1546 (Meat Homogenate) and SRM 1845A (Whole Egg
powder, under certification). Sample: NIST SRM 1849A Matrix: Infant/adult nutritional formula. Species Result (m) carnitine 140 ± 2 mg/kg 4 136 ± 14 mg/kg
n Reference value (CRM) k Comment
2 free The certified values have been evaluated according to ERM application Note 1. 1 Example of the calculation: The certified content of free carnitine is (136 ± 14) mg/kg, k = 2,00. The SRM 1849a was analysed 4 times. (140 ± 2) mg/kg.
If Δ m ≤ U Δ then no significant difference between the measurement result and the certified value has been demonstrated.
1 http://irmm.jrc.ec.europa.eu/html/reference_materials_catalogue/user_support/index.htm.
Carn-06 - Validation Report FOR ERP USE ONLY DO NOT DISTRIBUTE
4 ≤ 8 ,2 Therefor no difference between the results has been demonstrated on a 95% confidence level. To compare our results with data on 1849A and 1845A published at the 2 nd. Vita- min conference in Copenhagen 2 the data has been evaluated with at t-test (un- equal sample size, equal variance).
Using the zero hypotheses that no difference between the two data sets is ob- served. Sample: NIST SRM 1849A Matrix: Infant/adult nutritional formula. Species Result n Reference value n Comment carnitine 158 ± 4 mg/kg 8 149 ± 1 mg/kg 20 Total carnitine
At 26 degrees of freedom the t value of 2,0555 is critical for α=0,05
9 ≥ 2 ,1 The Zero hypotheses are rejected on a 95% confidence level. There is a signifi- cant difference between the results. The explanation is that alkaline hydrolysis is more efficient in hydrolysing the car-
2 Data presented at the 2 nd. International vitamin conference in Copenhagen 2012.
Carn-06 - Validation Report FOR ERP USE ONLY DO NOT DISTRIBUTE
nitine esters to form free carnitine than an acidic hydrolysis thereby giving higher results this is seen as ok because we desire to measure the total content of car- nitine. Sample: NIST SRM 1845A Measuring range: The measuring range in this validation covers the interval: LOQ – 1000 ng/g. Samples containing concentration higher than the highest standard will be reana- lysed with a more fitting sample size and/or dilution leading to a concentration in- side the standard range. LOD has been determined by treating a standard at low level (9 ng/g) as a sam- ple, the reason this approach has been used is that it has been impossible to find a natural sample containing carnitine at a level near the expected limit of detec- tion. The sample was analysed as a 10 replicates measurement on the same day, the standard deviation (S r ) has been calculated from these results. See appendix 3. LOD is calculated as 3 x S r and LOQ as (10 x S r ). The limit of detection and quantification for carnitine is calculated to: Limit of detection / quantification:
LOD: 0,9 ng/g LOQ: 3,0 ng/g
LOQ in samples as mg/kg is calculated from an aliquot of 20 g sample (maxi- mum) extracted into 110 g extraction solution. 10 g extraction solution is diluted to 250 g, (this sums up to a total dilution factor of 137,5). Carnitine in samples: LOQ: 0,4 mg/kg
The robustness of the method has been evaluated on the following critical pa- rameters; extraction time and saponification time. Extraction time: The robustness test has been performed on a milk powder and a pet food con-
Carn-06 - Validation Report FOR ERP USE ONLY DO NOT DISTRIBUTE
taining both carnitine. The sample is weighed into the extraction bottle, extraction solvents are added, the bottle is closed and placed on the shaking table at 37°C. At the time t. the sample is removed from the shaking table, centrifuged and placed on cold stor- age until saponification. t / hour 1 2 3 4 5 22 Carnitine:
Ekstraktion 37°C
100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Carnitine (mg/kg)
Pet food
Milk powder
0 50
Time (hour)
From the data (see appendix 4) it is seen that an extraction time of 20 hours is sufficient to extract all the carnitine from the sample. Saponification time: The robustness test has been performed on raw egg, pet food, milk powder (in- fant formula), cornflakes and fish feed containing both carnitine. An aliquot of the extraction solution is transferred to the saponification bottle, po- tassium hydroxide and water is added and the mixture is saponifyed at a 100°C. At the time t. the sample is removed from the oven and neutralized with hydro- chloric acid. 30 60 90 120 150 180 240 300 360 From the data (see appendix 4) it is seen that a saponification time of 240 min is sufficient to convert all bound carnitine to the free forms for all the tested ma- trixes. Carnitine: t / min 0 (free)
Carn-06 - Validation Report FOR ERP USE ONLY DO NOT DISTRIBUTE
Saponification 100°C
100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Carnitine (mg/kg)
Raw egg
Pet food
Infant formula
0 50
Time (min)
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Summary and conclusions:
The validation of the method has shown satisfactory specificity for the tested ma- trices. The calibration curves is linear for carnitine and they both going through the zero point (0;0). The precision experiments showed an acceptable RSD%, which was set to 5 %. The comparison between ‘this method’ and the values on the certified reference materials showed no significant differences. It is therefore concluded that ‘this method’ provides accurate results. Finally, ‘this method’ showed good robustness against the tested parameters. In general, we believe that the validation has been satisfactory.
Eurofins Steins Laboratory A/S Vitamin Competence Centre
28. of June 2013
6600 Vejen, Denmark
Lars T. Tanderup M.Sc. Chemistry
Carn-06 - Validation Report FOR ERP USE ONLY DO NOT DISTRIBUTE
Appendix 1: Linearity
Actual Concentration (ng/g)
IS Actual Concentration (ng/g)
Area (counts)
IS Area (counts)
Concentration ratio
Area ratio
std 1 std 2 std 3 std 4 std 5 std 6 std 7 std 8 std 9 std 1 std 2 std 3 std 4 std 5 std 6 std 7 std 8 std 9
4,6129 9,0881 38,1799 74,0862 146,2597 256,4854 550,7591 1000,0994 1550,7960 4,6129 9,0881 38,1799 74,0862 146,2597 256,4854 550,7591 1000,0994 1550,7960
217,8116 225,4382 209,5343 221,8754 223,4094 218,8944 222,5433 221,0921 221,9617 217,8116 225,4382 209,5343 221,8754 223,4094 218,8944 222,5433 221,0921 221,9617
3329,5 7139,4
160220,7 181885,2
0,021178395 0,020780686 0,040313044 0,039252491 0,182213127 0,175655523 0,333909032 0,326066704 1,171731209 1,13343267 2,474840177 2,309526344 4,523451539 4,337842857 6,986772943 6,674058219 0,021178395 0,022730696 0,040313044 0,038167521 0,182213127 0,178401211 0,333909032 0,324567286 1,171731209 1,144839091 2,474840177 2,367995416 4,523451539 4,433062372 6,986772943 6,715054693 0,6546712 0,661242287 0,6546712 0,633634036
29263,0 166593,2 55518,4 170267,0 112370,8 169939,0 183940,7 162286,4 363396,5 157346,8 611060,3 140867,3 807552,3 120998,7 30022,4 168285,8 55438,6 170807,8 111210,2 175511,7 188626,3 164762,3 354499,4 149704,4 612058,0 138066,6 892823,7 132958,5 3769,3 6802,4 165826,3 178225,4
Regression Statistics
Multiple R R Square
0,999826263 Adjusted R Square 0,999815404 Standard Error 0,030825052 Observations 18
df Significance F Regression 1 87,49023889 87,49023889 92077,17128 1,63032E-31 Residual 16 0,015202941 0,000950184 Total 17 87,50544183 SS MS F
Std. Error
t Stat
Lower 95%
Upper 95%
Intercept 0,00455914 0,009271008 0,491763144 0,629565074 -0,01509451 0,024212798 Concentration ratio 0,959609823 0,003162414 303,4422042 1,63032E-31 0,95290580 0,966313841
RESIDUAL OUTPUT Observation Predicted Area
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
0,024882135 -0,004101449 0,043243933 -0,003991442 0,179412646 -0,003757124 0,324981527 0,001085177 0,632788054 0,028454233 1,128963918 0,004468752 2,379440084 -0,069913739 4,345307669 -0,007464813
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6,709135085 -0,035076867 0,024882135 -0,002151439 0,043243933 -0,005076411 0,179412646 -0,001011435 0,324981527 -0,000414241 0,632788054 0,000845982 1,128963918 0,015875173 2,379440084 -0,011444668 4,345307669 0,087754703 6,709135085 0,005919607
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Calibration curve Carnitine
0 2 4 6 8
Area ratio
Area ratio
Linear (Area ratio)
Concentration ratio
Residualplot Carnitine
-0.05 Residualer
Concentration ratio
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Appendix 2: Precision
Anava: Single Factor
Carnitine (mg/kg) Matrix: Milk powder
Replicate 1 Replicate 2
day 1 day 2 day 3 day 4 day 5 day 6 day 7 day 8 day 9
96,110 99,537 97,998 98,114 98,540 100,585 95,046 98,207 90,559 95,917 99,272 93,529 92,832 91,049 92,619 92,152
95,648 95,202 97,719 93,736 98,514 93,959 95,060 94,833 96,481 89,388 99,268 93,463 92,560 91,474 95,317 95,635
day 1 day 2 day 3 day 4 day 5 day 6 day 7 day 8 day 9 day 10 day 11 day 12 day 13 day 14 day 15 day 16
2 191,758
2 194,739 97,3695 9,3961125 2 195,717 97,8585 0,0389205
2 191,85 2 197,054 2 194,544 2 190,106 2 193,04 2 187,04 2 198,54 2 186,992 2 185,392
95,925 98,527
9,583442 0,000338
97,272 21,951938
9,8E-05 5,691938
93,52 17,535042
day 10 day 11 day 12 day 13 day 14 day 15 day 16
2 185,305 92,6525 21,3139205
93,496 92,696
0,002178 0,036992
2 182,523 91,2615 0,0903125
2 187,936
2 187,787 93,8935 6,0656445
Average of all days
95,32 mg/kg
ANAVA Source of Variation Between Groups
F crit
166,8678192 15 11,12452128 1,86470778 0,113837078 2,352222763
Within Groups
95,4532085 16 5,965825531
262,3210277 31
Anava: Single Factor
Carnitine (mg/kg) Matrix: pet food
Replicate 1 Replicate 2
day 1 day 2 day 3 day 4 day 5 day 6 day 7 day 8 day 9
357,418 346,842 342,908 348,298 353,781 318,183 365,650 363,560 366,707 336,970 342,770 348,137 343,212 330,134
352,315 347,401 354,980 351,989 360,330 336,589 368,775 361,314 349,201 341,202 349,700 335,804 344,259 343,909
day 1 day 2 day 3 day 4 day 5 day 6 day 7 day 8 day 9 day 10 day 11 day 12 day 13 day 14
2 709,733 354,8665 13,0203045 2 694,243 347,1215 0,1562405 2 697,888 348,944 72,866592 2 700,287 350,1435 6,8117405 2 714,111 357,0555 21,4447005 2 654,772 327,386 169,390418 2 734,425 367,2125 4,8828125
2 724,874 362,437
2 715,908 357,954 153,230018
day 10 day 11 day 12 day 13 day 14
2 678,172 339,086 2 692,47 346,235
8,954912 24,01245
2 683,941 341,9705 76,0514445 2 687,471 343,7355 0,5481045 2 674,043 337,0215 94,8753125
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day 15 day 16
338,625 332,365
342,389 340,596
day 15 day 16
2 681,014 340,507
2 672,961 336,4805 33,8746805
Average of all days
347,38 mg/kg
ANAVA Source of Variation Between Groups
F crit
3354,811135 15 223,6540757 5,188242953 0,001098565 2,352222763
Within Groups
689,7258365 16 43,10786478
4044,536971 31
Appendix 3: Limit of detection / quantification
9,414 ng/g 9,379 ng/g 9,145 ng/g 9,247 ng/g 9,418 ng/g 9,896 ng/g 9,409 ng/g 9,432 ng/g 9,810 ng/g 10,080 ng/g
Mean 9,523 ng/g Std 0,301 ng/g
LOD 0,9 ng/g LOQ 3,0 ng/g
In samples LOD 124 ng/g = 0,1 µg/g LOQ 413 ng/g = 0,4 µg/g
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Appendix 4: Robustness.
Ekstraktion of carnitine:
Time Pet food Milk powder (hour) Carnitine (mg/kg) Carnitine (mg/kg) 1 322 85 2 328 84 3 346 84 4 354 85 5 348 87 22 368 84
Saponification of carnitine:
Time Raw egg Fish feed (min) Carnitine (mg/kg) Carnitine (mg/kg) Carnitine (mg/kg) Carnitine (mg/kg) Carnitine (mg/kg) 0 11 361 91 6 43 30 27 335 86 6 48 60 12 343 84 7 51 90 14 356 86 6 49 120 12 355 86 6 51 150 48 340 85 6 51 180 13 338 86 6 52 240 22 351 83 5 52 300 12 350 86 6 51 360 13 350 89 5 50 Pet food Milk powder Cornflakes
Carn-06 (Validation Report-Addendum) FOR ERP USE ONLY DO NOT DISTRIBUTE
Eurofins Steins A/S Validation Report: Addendum SPIFAN kit Carnitine quantitated by liquid chromatography and isotope dilu- tion mass spectroscopy.
Lars T. Tanderup Chemist M.Sc.
Eurofins Steins Laboratory A/S Vitamin Competence Centre 6600 Vejen, Denmark 2014-10-01
Carn-06 (Validation Report-Addendum) FOR ERP USE ONLY DO NOT DISTRIBUTE
Table of Contents:
Abbreviations and synonyms: .....................................................................................................................................1 Quality statement:........................................................................................................................................................1 Introduction:.................................................................................................................................................................1 Statistics: .....................................................................................................................................................................1 Matrices: ......................................................................................................................................................................1 Precision:.....................................................................................................................................................................2 Appendix 1:..................................................................................................................................................................4
Carn-06 (Validation Report-Addendum) FOR ERP USE ONLY DO NOT DISTRIBUTE
Abbreviations and synonyms:
Abbreviations: NMKL.................Nordisk Metodikk Komité for Næringsmidler ISO ....................International Organization for Standardization SOP...................Standard Operating Procedure ANAVA ..............Analysis of Variance n ........................Number of replicates RSD%................Relative Standard Deviation in Percent CI .......................Confidence intervals S r .......................Repeatability (standard deviation within days) S R ......................Reproducibility (standard deviation between days) Synonyms: t-test .................. Student’s t -test This validation report is conducted in accordance to our internal instruction 211.01 “Validering af analysemetoder i Vitamin center (in English - Validation of analytical methods in the Vitamin Centre” This instruction defines the experimental design used in the current validation, which is based on NMKL Procedure No. 4: Validation of chemical analytical methods (2009, 3 rd edition). The Eurofins Steins Laboratory in Vejen is accredited according to ISO 17025. Quality statement:
The carnitine method has been employed on the SPIFAN test kit to investigate the methods capabilities on this set of samples.
In the current validation report, a p-value < 0.05 is considered statistically signifi- cant. Consequently, confidence intervals (CI) are calculated at a confidence level at 95 %. Paired t-testing is performed on normal distributed raw data. Data which is not within the normal distribution is clearly marked within the text.
The SPIFAN test kit consists of 17 samples providing a representative collection
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Carn-06 (Validation Report-Addendum) FOR ERP USE ONLY DO NOT DISTRIBUTE
of Infant and nutritional formulas, both as powder and ready to feed. The samples have been tested for both total and free carnitine.
The data consists of 3 days of double replicate measurements. The precision have been evaluated with a variance analysis model. (ANAVA single factor (Excel 2010), for data see appendix 1.)
Total carnitine: Sample name Child Formula Powder Infant Element Powder
Result (mg/kg) RSD% n
00411RF00 00402RF00 00415RF00 00407RF00
2,4 0,2 0,4 0,5
9,1 6 74 6 17 6 10 6 2,0 6 2,3 6 30 6 3,2 6 1,8 6 17 6 1,9 5 2,0 6 1,8 6 3,5 6 1,5 6 0,8 6 1,2 6 9,1 6 39 6 10 6 19 6 2,1 6 2,7 6 12 6 2,7 6 2,3 6 11 6 0,7 5 1,3 6 1,7 6 1,7 6 1,4 6 2,5 6 2,2 6 10,3 6
Adult Nut. RFT High Protein Adult Nut. RFT High Fat
Infant Formula RFT, Milk Based Spifan Blank Milk Form
SRM 1849a
Adult Nut. Protein Based
11750017V3 1172572116 117257651Z 00394RF00 000412RF00 000403RF00 D04HTCVV
Infant Formula, Part. Hyd. Milk Infant Formula, Part. Hyd. Soy
Adult Nut. Low Fat Child Formula Infant Elemental
490,5 137,4 159,1
Infant Formula, Milk Based Infant Formula, Soy Based
82,8 27,9
Infant Formula RFT, Milk Based Spifan Control Milk Form
Adult Nut. RFT High Protein Adult Nut. RFT High Fat
000414RF00 00406RF00 00411RF00
156,2 221,7
Child Formula Powder
Free carnitine: Sample name Child Formula Powder Infant Element Powder
Result (mg/kg) RSD% n
00411RF00 00402RF00 00415RF00 00407RF00
1,5 0,4 0,4 0,5
Adult Nut. RFT High Protein Adult Nut. RFT High Fat
Infant Formula RFT, Milk Based Spifan Blank Milk Form
SRM 1849a
Adult Nut. Protein Based
11750017V3 1172572116 117257651Z 00394RF00 000412RF00 000403RF00 D04HTCVV
Infant Formula, Part. Hyd. Milk Infant Formula, Part. Hyd. Soy
81,9 91,8
Adult Nut. Low Fat Child Formula Infant Elemental
484,5 135,7 138,5
Infant Formula, Milk Based Infant Formula, Soy Based
81,6 26,0
Infant Formula RFT, Milk Based Spifan Control Milk Form
Adult Nut. RFT High Protein Adult Nut. RFT High Fat
000414RF00 00406RF00
152,6 216,7
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