SPIFAN Nutrients ERP Book_9-29-15
Carn-06 (Choline Validation Report) FOR ERP USE ONLY DO NOT DISTRIBUTE
made for every batch and that relative difference (daily average vs. overall aver- age) is low this is seen as being acceptable. For choline the RSD% will be set to 5% for choline.
The methods trueness has been evaluated by analysing reference material. Reference materials: Reference materials with values on choline exist or are at the moment under test- ing for certification. We have analysed the certified reference material SRM 1849A (Infant/adult nutri- tional formula), SRM 1546 (Meat Homogenate) and SRM 1845A (Whole Egg
powder, under certification). Sample: NIST SRM 1849A Matrix: Infant/adult nutritional formula. Species Result (m)
n Reference value (CRM) k Comment
choline ion 1041 ± 21 mg/kg 8 1090 ± 110 mg/kg 2 total choline The certified values have been evaluated according to ERM application Note 1. 1 Example of the calculation: The certified content of choline ion is (1090 ± 110) mg/kg, k = 2,00. The SRM was analysed 8 times (1041 ± 21) mg/kg.
If Δ m ≤ U Δ then no significant difference between the measured result and the cer- tified value has been demonstrated.
1 http://irmm.jrc.ec.europa.eu/html/reference_materials_catalogue/user_support/index.htm.
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