SPIFAN Nutrients ERP Book_9-29-15
Carn-06 (Choline Validation Report) FOR ERP USE ONLY DO NOT DISTRIBUTE
Appendix 3: Limit of detection / quantification
10,239 ng/g 9,989 ng/g 9,438 ng/g 10,592 ng/g 11,081 ng/g 10,989 ng/g 9,699 ng/g 11,089 ng/g 11,024 ng/g 11,752 ng/g
Mean 10,589 ng/g Std 0,729 ng/g
LOD 2,2 ng/g LOQ 7,3 ng/g
In samples LOD 303 ng/g = 0,3 µg/g LOQ 1004 ng/g = 1,0 µg/g
Appendix 4: Robustness.
Time Pet food Milk powder (hour) Choline (mg/kg) Choline (mg/kg) 1 1945 559 2 2070 570 3 2104 574 4 2134 577 5 2154 577 22 2173 577
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