Statistics Meeting Book (March 20, 2019)
AOAC INTERNATIONAL Committee on Statistics Draft Meeting Minutes (February 20, 2019)
AOAC staff Delia A. Boyd
Statistics Members (Present during all or part of the meeting): Sidney Sudberg, Alkemist Labs ( Chair ) Anli Gao, University of Guelph Robert A. LaBudde, Least Cost Solutions Hilde Skaar Norli, NMKL Paul Wehling, Medallion Labs
Statistics Members (Absent with regrets): M.L. Jane Weitzel, Independent Consultant Wolfhard Wegscheider, Montanuniversität Leoben Qian F. Graves, FDA
WELCOME & INTRODUCTION Sidney Sudberg called the meeting to order and welcomed all.
REVIEW OF MEETING AGENDA & MINUTES The members of the Statistics Committee reviewed the agenda but did not vote due to a quorum issue. There were no minutes from the December 19, 2018 meeting to approve.
III. CURRENT METHOD CONFORMITY ASSESSMENT PROJECTS (Progress updates) a. Statistics for Microbiology Methods Validation
Graves and Wehling have updated the qualitative workbook and sent (November 8, 2018) members of the committee to review the equations. No feedback has been received to date.
Volunteers to check equations: 1. Jane Weitzel 2. Qian Graves
3. Hilde Skår Norli 4. Sidney Sudberg
ACTION ITEM: Delia Boyd to send the workbook documentation to the committee for vote at the next meeting. The deadline date to provide feedback is March 8 th .
b. ISPAM Quantitative Microbiology Validation Methods Acceptance Criteria During the working group meeting at the August 2018 AOAC Annual Meeting, it was determined that the ISPAM statistics subgroup work with the AOAC Stats committee. Wehling and LaBudde provided background information.
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