Statistics Meeting Book (March 20, 2019)
ACTION ITEM: Sudberg to provide the information on Qual 2. b 2 - change information to qualitative.
c. Changes to Appendix J (in progress) - Paul Wehling & Robert LaBudde (Leads) It was determined that the committee should fix Appendix J (quantitative) including:
Candidate reference
d. Statistics Committee’s Terms of Reference (ToR) Update – All, ToR Subcommittee The AOAC Board of Directors was provided the ToR and is scheduled to be reviewed during their meeting at the 2019 AOAC Mid-Year Meeting on March 11, 2019.
Staff is awaiting the decision of the Board of Directors, but the current ToR is still in effect and continue recruiting for new members until approved.
▪ Discussed glossary of terms & definitions; to make it cleaner.
PT data options: o
incremental studies methods of means
collaborative data testing
Emerald scientific
2019 AOAC Annual Meeting o Meeting scheduled for: Committee on Statistics Scientific Session Tuesday, September 10, 2019 3:00pm – 4:30pm (MT)
NEW BUSINESS Due to the many requests for stats reviews prior to the AOAC Mid-Year meeting, the committee members suggested scheduling a meeting for all members to discuss the reviews. The Micro Review Subcommittee is scheduled to meet on Monday, March 4 th at 10:30am ET.
SCHEDULE NEXT STATISTICS COMMITTEE MEETING Proposed for Wednesday, March 20, 2019 at 10:30 am EST.
ADJOURN MEETING The meeting adjourned at 11:40am EST.
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