AOAC Method Validation (August 29, 2018)

Limit of Detection (LOD)


X AOAC SMPRs routinely include criteria for limit of detection. X There have been a series of questions regarding LOD: X 1) definition; X 2) appropriate confidence level; and X 3) procedure for determination.

Limit of Detection (LOD)

Background X In recent years AOAC has used the following definition for LOD: β€œThe smallest amount or concentration of an analyte that can be estimated with acceptable reliability.” This definition is a simplification of the IUPAC definition. X ISO 12787:2011(en) Cosmetics β€” Analytical methods β€” Validation criteria for analytical results using chromatographic techniques 2.2.2 LoD - limit of detection - lowest amount of an analyte that can be reliably distinguished from zero with reasonable statistical certainty.

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